To me It's about childhood fears, anxieties and tensions with parents. The music and the set are brilliant. And it's a very unique role Randy played, among his typical drunk father(but with love from daughter)..
一半的我和Matthew 一样转头离开那个是非之地,闪光的夏天继续让热血只在荧幕前的黑暗里沸腾,默默过完这一生。一半的我和Isa、Theo 一起冲了出去,用弹药燃烧的火光照亮体内每一根毛细血管里的涌动,将名字刻上为自由而战的石碑。 电影里外,无不都是梦想家。『You may say I am a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.』 大爱卢浮宫的赛跑,cos断臂维纳斯,迈克尔·皮特的颜,和路易·加瑞尔的眼。